What is the PA-BOOST Legislation?

In Pittsburgh, community based non profit organizations stand as pillars of support, offering vital out-of-school time (OST) programs that enrich the lives of young people and strengthen communities. The Building Opportunities for Out-of-School Time Bill in Pennsylvania represents a crucial step forward in recognizing and enhancing the role of small OST organizations.

This bill is not just about funding; it's about recognizing the essential contributions that OST programs make to the holistic development of children and adolescents. For small community organizations, the bill provides a lifeline, enabling them to expand their reach and impact in underserved communities.

Through increased funding and support, the bill empowers innovation and diversifies programming, ensuring that organizations can meet the evolving needs and interests of the youth they serve. Whether it's providing academic support, mentorship, or enrichment activities, these programs play a vital role in fostering positive youth development and building essential life skills.

Moreover, the Building Opportunities for Out-of-School Time Bill fosters collaboration and partnership among OST organizations, schools, and community stakeholders. By promoting coordination and alignment with broader educational goals, the bill maximizes the collective impact of OST initiatives, creating a more cohesive and comprehensive support network for young people.

The passage of this bill signifies more than just financial support; it represents recognition and validation of their tireless efforts to create a brighter future for the youth of Pittsburgh. With the resources and momentum generated by this legislation, organizations like Hope for Tomorrow can continue to be beacons of hope and opportunity, empowering young people to thrive and succeed both in and out of school.

Sample Letter to your elected representative

Here's a draft letter you can use to communicate with your state representative about supporting BOOST-OST legislation in Pennsylvania. Feel free to personalize it according to your specific concerns and experiences.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]

[Representative's Name]
[Office Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Representative's Name],

I am writing to express my support for the BOOST-OST legislation in Pennsylvania and to encourage your endorsement of this important initiative. Out-of-school time (OST) programs provide critical opportunities for our children and youth, offering a safe and supportive environment where they can learn, grow, and engage in constructive activities during non-school hours.

As you are aware, OST programs play a significant role in fostering academic achievement, social development, and emotional well-being among young people. They also provide working families with peace of mind, knowing their children are in a safe and structured environment after school or during the summer. These programs are vital to our communities, promoting positive outcomes and reducing the risks associated with unsupervised time.

The BOOST-OST legislation aims to enhance and expand the availability of quality OST programs throughout Pennsylvania. It focuses on providing resources and support to help these programs thrive, ensuring that all children, regardless of their background or circumstances, have access to enriching and engaging activities outside of school hours. By endorsing this legislation, you will be investing in the future of our state's youth and supporting working families across Pennsylvania.

I urge you to consider the numerous benefits that OST programs provide to our communities. By supporting BOOST-OST, you will be taking an important step towards building a stronger, more resilient future for our children and families.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you regarding your stance on this crucial issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like more information on why I believe BOOST-OST is essential for our community and state.

[Your Signature, if sending a physical letter]
[Your Printed Name]